Donate to cyclecamp to keep us going - just £5.00 and it's very quick and easy to do!
Thank you!

More information about donations to cyclecamp here.

Central England

10 Derbyshire
16 Gloucestershire
19 Herefordshire
25 Leicestershire
28 Northamptonshire
30 Nottinghamshire
31 Oxfordshire
34 Rutland
35 Shropshire
38 Staffordshire
42 Warwickshire
43 West Midlands
47 Worcestershire

    This is the unique cyclecamp reference number for each campsite in the cyclecamp network.
    These campsites are ideally placed for a Land’s End to John o’Groats trip.
    These campsites may ask for Camping and Caravanning Club membership - click here for more details.
    Sometimes we fill a gap with a larger, more commercial site. Don’t worry - these sites are fine, just not always quite as peaceful!
    This is the key which tells you what all the facilities symbols mean (we list 12 facilities that cycle campers might want to find on a campsite).
    Nearest railway station if you are starting or doing part of your journey by train.
    When you click on this symbol (or one like it) it will always take you back to the regional page that you were on.
    Click on the find-a-campsite symbol to go back to the main find-a-campsite map of the UK
    Please note that some cyclecamp campsites are Adults Only


the joined up cyclecamping network