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Press and media

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Cyclecamp is always pleased to hear from the media and wants to spread the cycle camping message to as wide an audience as possible. We are happy to speak to the press, radio and TV.

The cyclecamp team have years of cycle camping experience between them, are confident and knowledgeable speakers on cycle camping and are happy to be interviewed on radio or TV. We are able to put you in touch with suppliers, campsites and other cycle campers and would be happy to take part in in situ outdoor interviews.

The cyclecamp website is a great source of introductory material and we are happy to allow use of quotes and material, including photographs, as long as permission is obtained first.

Please note that all the material on the cyclecamp website (including text, photographs and graphics) is entirely original and copyright belongs absolutely to cyclecamp.

Enquiries in the first instance should be sent using the cyclecamp contact form.

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Press and media

Cyclecamp admin page 003

Cyclecamp is always pleased to hear from the media and wants to spread the cycle camping message to as wide an audience as possible. We are happy to speak to the press, radio and TV.

The cyclecamp team have years of cycle camping experience between them, are confident and knowledgeable speakers on cycle camping and are happy to be interviewed on radio or TV. We are able to put you in touch with suppliers, campsites and other cycle campers and would be happy to take part in in situ outdoor interviews.

The cyclecamp website is a great source of introductory material and we are happy to allow use of quotes and material, including photographs, as long as permission is obtained first.

Please note that all the material on the cyclecamp website (including text, photographs and graphics) is entirely original and copyright belongs absolutely to cyclecamp.

Enquiries in the first instance should be sent using the cyclecamp contact form.


the joined up cyclecamping network